Senior UX/UI Designer
Stakeholder/User Interviews
User Flows
Clickable Prototypes
Visual Design
Adobe Illustrator
Early in the discovery process it was gathered from stakeholder interviews that users would like to view resoucres in three categories: country, value chain, and food hazard. The challenge was to allow users to start with any of these three categories select what relates to them and refine their search for further information.
Lead the UX design process for the application which included wireframes, interactive prototypes and high fidelity mockups. Also, user research including stakeholder interviews of subject matter experts and users.
The UX team consisted of a UX/UI designer, information architect and subject matter expert.
In early wireframes and testing we discovered that giving the user too many options was causing a complicated user experience. The break through came when we explored an option to guide users to start their journey by selecting a point of entry from three different areas, value chain, country, or food hazard. From their allow users to see what countries or food hazards are related to a value chain or vice versa depending on your starting point. This solution allows users to start broad and see the relationships between the three categories and further refine if desired.
A rural coffee farmer in Ethiopia is interested in resources related to his value chain. He starts by selecting Ethiopia from the country selection menu. Next he is presented with a filtered list of value chains, hazards and contacts related to Ethiopia. At this point the user then decides to select coffee from the filtered list of value chains for Ethiopia. The search results now consist of food hazards, resources for coffee in Ethiopia.
The application was recieved extremely well by the product owners at USAID and the MVP version of the software was released with plans for testing and enhancements.